Sandra Engels

Sandra Engels is a doctoral researcher and research assistant at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. In her research project she works on cultural mediation and the dynamics of heritage making at sites of memory. Through integrating the innovative methodology of 'emotion networking', developed by Dutch heritage educators, in her own tour-guiding practices, she aims to investigate the emotional/affective side of heritage making processes. This shall introduce more participatory and inclusive strategies for understanding, mapping, and accessing the dynamics of heritage and memory making on the spot.
Prior to her doctoral studies, Sandra studied History and Special Journalism of History at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. She then completed two master's programmes in the Netherlands, in History of Society and International Relations at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and in Heritage and Memory Studies at the Universiteit van Amsterdam.
As research assistant at the GCSC, she is now responsible for the centre's welcoming events as well as public relations and marketing concepts, along with its Social Media strategy.
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