- english (4)
publication type
- lectureship publication (20)
- article (4)
- Artist in Residence (2)
- other (2)
- peer reviewed article (2)
- K13 Heritage Cahiers (1)
- Memorial Lecture (1)
- book (1)
- book chapter (1)
- educational publication (1)
- year
- researchgroup
- discipline
- Aishwarya Tipnis (1)
- Amsterdam Museum (1)
- Amsterdam University of the Arts (ed.) (1)
- Arja van Veldhuizen (1)
- Aysel Arslan (1)
- Bob Crezee (1)
- Christian Ernsten (2)
- Diana Krabbendam (1)
- Dirk-Jan Visser (2)
- Eliza Steinbock (1)
- Fieke Tissink (2)
- Fokke Gerritsen (1)
- Harry van Vliet (1)
- Henny Groenendijk (1)
- Hester Dibbits (8)
- Jaap Westbroek (1)
- Jacquelien Vroemen (1)
- Jan Sas (1)
- Jasmijn Rana (1)
- Joost Beunderman (1)
- Lenno Munnikes (1)
- Lonneke van den Hoonaard (1)
- Manus Brinkman (1)
- Marc Pil (1)
- Marco de Niet (1)
- Marjan Otter (1)
- Marleen Stikker (1)
- Marlous Willemsen (2)
- Martijn de Waal (1)
- Menje Almekinders (1)
- Michiel Schwarz (2)
- Nancy van Asseldonk (4)
- Nick Shepherd (2)
- Norah Karrouche (1)
- Paul Ariese (4)
- Peter van Mensch (1)
- Reinwardt Academie (1)
- Reinwardt Academy (1)
- Riemer Knoop (5)
- Ruben Smit (1)
- Sedef Yurdagül (1)
- Sena Kayasü (1)
- Simone Stoltz (1)
- Steven ten Thije (1)
- UvA (1)
- Vyjayanthi V. Rao & Reinwardt Academy (1)
- Özgün Özçakır (1)
Found: 32 results
The Jewish religious heritage continuum: Jewish religious communities’ interactions with synagogues and ceremonial objects in Amsterdam
Paul Ariese (2024)
The Critical Visitor: Changing Heritage Practices
Eliza Steinbock, Hester Dibbits (2023)
Industrial Heritage for Sustainable Cities. Proposals for the Transformation of Istanbul's Unkapanı Flour Mill
Fokke Gerritsen, Özgün Özçakır, Aysel Arslan, Sena Kayasü, Sedef Yurdagül (2023)
Engaging with Musealized Religious Spaces: Lessons from University Teaching
Paul Ariese (2023)
The entanglement of things: perceptions of the sacred in musealised synagogue space
Paul Ariese (2022)
Ethnology Lab on the Workings of Covid-19 on Museums
Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam University of the Arts (ed.) (2021)
How a historical perspective on food can make today’s world a better place
Hester Dibbits, Lenno Munnikes (2021)
Interpreting Religion with Cultural Heritage Students
Paul Ariese (2021)
Ways of knowing
Vyjayanthi V. Rao & Reinwardt Academy (2021)
Emotion networking: heritage and citizenship education in the 21st century
Hester Dibbits (2020)
Engagements in the Courtyard: Restoring a Haveli in Old Delhi
Aishwarya Tipnis (2019)
Education in heritage: how we (could) use heritage in the Dutch education system
Jacquelien Vroemen (2018)
The Walking Seminar. Embodied Research in Emergent Anthropocene Landscapes
Nick Shepherd, Christian Ernsten, Dirk-Jan Visser (2018)
The Walking Seminar; Embodied research in emergent Anthropocene landscapes
Nick Shepherd, Christian Ernsten, Dirk-Jan Visser (2018)
There is no then without now
Nancy van Asseldonk, Fieke Tissink, Menje Almekinders (2018)
The dream of preservation: archiving and heritage – perspective, discomfort and a look ahead
Riemer Knoop, Marleen Stikker, Marco de Niet (2017)
Ticking the Box?
Hester Dibbits, Norah Karrouche (2017)
Leaving the bubble: heritage professionals in times of increasing polarisation
Hester Dibbits (2017)
Moved by the Tears of Others: Emotion Networking in the Heritage Sphere
Jasmijn Rana, Marlous Willemsen, Hester Dibbits (2017)
Street Values: in the new landscape of societal heritage practices
Riemer Knoop, Michiel Schwarz, Nancy van Asseldonk, Joost Beunderman, Henny Groenendijk, Diana Krabbendam, Steven ten Thije, Martijn de Waal, Jaap Westbroek (2017)
A Sustainist Lexicon
Michiel Schwarz (2016)
Queering the Collections
Riemer Knoop, Lonneke van den Hoonaard (2016)
Management (Erfgoed cahier no. 2)
Bob Crezee, Marjan Otter, Marc Pil (2015)
The Public (Erfgoed cahier, no. 1)
Jan Sas, Ruben Smit, Simone Stoltz, Fieke Tissink, Arja van Veldhuizen (2015)