Last Saturday, June 13 2020, was not only China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, but also the online book launch of the publication Critically Exploring Heritage and Museums: Voices from Reinwardt Academy Amsterdam.
The publication is the first of its kind in China, presenting a choice of Western experiences in critical heritage studies to a wider Chinese audience. It takes its lead from six annual lectures curated by Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) between 2011 and 2018, by Laurajane Smith, Michael Shanks, Marcos Buser, Kavita Singh, Margriet Schavemaker and Salvador Muñoz. They reflect on the changes in the field of museums and cultural heritage in the context of globalization, urbanization, cultural diversity, community participation, as well as new ideas and strategies promoted by curators, archaeologists and heritage professionals. Additional contributions include recent Reinwardt research “Emotion Networks” and “Street Values” as well the integral translation of Michiel Schwarz, A Sustainist Lexicon by (2016).